Questions from today's gathering:
Name a young adult in your community that you can invite to the ELCA young adult programs and partnerships
What specific programs would interest and be beneficial to the young adults in your community?
What gifts do you receive from young adults?
How might you listen to young adults well?
ELCA Young Adults are most active on Instagram and Facebook, @elcayoungadults, where they post updates about new sessions of Abide and other digital ministries that are happening. You can find links to all related content here:
ELCA Young Adult Ministries
We are mixing things up in 2022 as we continue to experiment and learn. You are invited to join us WEEKLY on Wednesdays at 1pm Central to hear from various leaders across the Church. We will continue with our theme of COURAGEOUS LEADERSHIP. We have invited various ministries to host these gatherings through this next year, so it will be different each week. There will usually be time for small groups in breakout rooms so that leaders across the church can continue to learn from each other and leave each gathering with at least one action step.
We are inviting you to bring a spirit of curiosity to these gatherings and to all aspects your life. What are you noticing? Where is Spirit moving? How might you be a part?