PTSD and Companionship

Coming Home: Ministry That Matters with Veterans and Military Families by Zachary Moon

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk, M.D.

Have you had a time in your life that someone defined you by a diagnosis or something else? How did you feel at the time, and how did you respond to it?

What experiences do you have talking about mental health? What are some of your observations on how people talk about mental health in different contexts in your own life?

What would it look like for you to lead a conversation on mental health utilizing your own gifts and experiences?


We heard from Rev. Adam Stockton regarding his personal experience with PTSD, recommendations for companionship, and how it has changed the way he leads and teaches (and more recently, how he coaches).

Adam Stockton is originally from Findlay, Ohio, and grew up in Richardson, Texas. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Management and an Associate's degree in Psychology. He graduated from TCU-Brite with a Master's of Divinity with specializations in pastoral care, military chaplaincy, and ethics. He has also served as a trauma chaplain at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas for his Clinical Pastoral Education, while being involved in cultural immersion studies. Adam enjoys blacksmithing, photography, hockey, and video games. He currently serves as the Pastor for the new mission start, Gathering at the Table. He also serves Rejoice Lutheran Church in Frisco, Texas, as the Associate Pastor for Family Ministry and Digital Outreach. He and Marlette, also a new coach, were married in 2017.

We invite you to bring a spirit of curiosity to these gatherings and to all aspects of your life. What are you noticing? Where is Spirit moving? How are you being invited to participate?