We followed Holy Week with humor mixed with truth, which might be one of the best ways to learn. Let's laugh together and also wrestle a bit with our perceptions and beliefs about disability. We had TWO speakers:
Stella Young is a writer, comedian, advocate, and journalist who happens to go about her day in a wheelchair a fact that doesn't, she'd like to make clear, automatically turn her into a noble inspiration to all humanity. She will help us break down society's habit of turning disabled people into "inspiration porn." Born in Stawell in Western Victoria, Australia, Stella cut her activist teeth at the age of 14 by conducting an access audit of shops on the local main street. It didnt take long -- it was a pretty short street. With a strong interest in issues facing women and young people with disabilities, Stella worked with the Youth Disability Advocacy Service to establish the LiveAccess project, advocating for better access to live music venues. Prior to joining ABC Ramp Up (an online space for news, discussion, and opinion about disability in Australia) as editor, Stella worked in Public Programs at Melbourne Museum, where she taught kids about bugs, dinosaurs, and other weird and wonderful things.
DJ and self-professed pirate Tom Nash will share how facing adversity due to disability invited patience, ambition, and pragmatism into his life in enlightening, unexpected ways. "We all have unique weaknesses," he says. "If we're honest about what they are, we can learn how to best take advantage of them." Tom engages audiences about self-reflection and realization, encouraging people to take a fresh look at their human experience. After losing four limbs, Tom regained his independence and went to start a successful entertainment business, become a DJ, and grace the stages of the worlds biggest nightclubs and Australia's largest music festivals. His penchant for captivating storytelling, alongside his dark sense of humor and his razor-sharp wit, meld into ideas for life that will leave you truly grounded and unequivocally hooked. Half-metal, half-genius, he offers a fresh degustation of ideas and a thoroughly brilliant approach to life.
We invite you to bring a spirit of curiosity to these gatherings, and especially to all aspects of your life and ministry. What are you noticing? Where is Spirit moving? How are you being invited to participate?