How is your outreach to young adults? How are you supporting them on their faith journey and in their life transitions?
We heard from ELCA Young Adult Ministry staff members Jenna Leazott and Ian Heseltine. Let's envision together a new kind of young adult ministry!
Jenna (she/her) has served as the Manager for Young Adult Networks and Alumni Engagement for nearly two years now and is a Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) alumni (Mexico 18-19). She loves to connect young adults with what they're passionate about and thrives in holy troublemaking. She loves reading, fanny packs, and embroidery. Jenna is from the Chicago suburbs but currently lives in Orlando with her two cats, Oliver and Beanbag.
Candidate for Word & Service in the ELCA, Ian is passionate about our calling to Church outside the four walls of a building and bridging the gap between young adults and the church. Ian finds joy in travel, relationship building, communication, organizational change, and local beer. Ian currently serves as the Interim Vocational Fellowship Coordinator with ELCA Young Adults.
We invite you to bring a spirit of curiosity to these online gatherings, and then continue living with curiosity in every area of your life and in all your relationships. What are you noticing? What might you be missing? Where is Spirit moving? How are you being invited to participate in the work God is already doing outside the walls of the building where the church gathers?