Resources from today's discussion:
On Wednesday, February 9, we welcomed The Rev. Danielle DeNise, Director for Evangelical Mission (DEM) for the North Carolina Synod. How do we faithfully have difficult conversations when closure feels like a failure? We explored ways to invite memory and grief while moving forward with faithful decisions. Rev. DeNise also introduced us to a new resource being created to assist in holy closure and transition conversations.
Rev. DeNise is an Ohio girl (go Buckeyes!) that moved South as quickly as she could to enjoy the sunshine. She is a graduate of American University and Duke Divinity School. She is married to Michael, and they have two small kiddos: Moses and Olive. Their family loves the beach and baking. Rev. DeNise also enjoys reading and loves chai lattes.
We are mixing things up in 2022 as we continue to experiment and learn. You are invited to join us WEEKLY on Wednesdays at 1pm Central to hear from various leaders across the Church. We will continue with our theme of COURAGEOUS LEADERSHIP. We have invited various ministries to host these gatherings through this next year, so it will be different each week. There will usually be time for small groups in breakout rooms so that leaders across the church can continue to learn from each other and leave each gathering with at least one action step.
We are inviting you to bring a spirit of curiosity to these gatherings and to all aspects your life. What are you noticing? Where is Spirit moving? How might you be a part?